Centralised representation and search portal of Austrian digital cultural heritage
Dealing with (digital) cultural heritage is a central issue for future strategies in the information society. One important point is to achieve a comprehensive access to digital assets from museums, libraries and archives.
The main goal of the so called Kulturpool ("Culture-pool") project, which was commissioned by the Ministry of Education, Art and Culture (BMUKK), is to set up a centralised representation and search portal of digital assets and catalogs from all Austrian cultural institutions. The strategic goal of the Ministry is to attain a closer link between culture and education, as well as to render Austrian cultural heritage accessible to a larger audience via new technologies, as previously defined in the "Future Learning" Initiative. Target groups for Kulturpool include anyone with an interest in culture, as well as students, teachers and researchers.
Moreover, Kulturpool serves as a centralised data provider of digital Austrian cultural heritage assets for the EDL project Europeana (European Digital Library Project from the eContent Plus Programme) and thereby plays an important role in the diffusion of Austrian cultural heritage on a European level.
uma information technology is responsible for the conception and implementation of Kulturpool. uma's service platform Melvil© serves as a search engine, as well as the most recent Web 2.0 functionalities.